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Blog / 4 Tips for Making Your Home Office More Comfortable

4 Tips for Making Your Home Office More Comfortable

While all you really need for an office space is a desk and a chair, an office should be more than that. A home office is a place to work, but it can also be a place to relax, meet with clients, and even sit back and dream. With a few basic adjustments and additions, you can turn your home office—regardless of its size—into a creative and inspirational space. Here are four tips for making your home office more comfortable.

Add the Perfect Pieces

So what do you need beyond that desk and chair? Establish a budget for furnishing your office. Whether you buy it outright or pay monthly for furniture, you can easily find and pick up a few pieces to bring style and comfort to the space. Make sure the desk meets your needs and offers plenty of room for your computer and other devices as well as space to spread out papers, plans, and more. A couch is an excellent addition because it provides an inviting place to sit and read or speak with clients in a relaxed way. A conference table also gives you a place to chat and a separate working surface.

Add a Little Texture

You can add visual coziness by bringing in pieces with actual as well as visual texture. A large area rug softens a room’s look while also providing a soft surface to walk and work on. That matters if you have a standing desk or prefer to pace while working. Incorporate rugs, pillows, quilts, and tapestries to add extra softness to the room. You can throw them over the furniture or even hang them from the walls.

Let There Be Light!

If the office has windows, let the sunshine in. Natural light is healthy and bright and helps you save on electricity. For those days when the sun is a bit too warm and bright, adjust the light levels with soft gauzy curtains or drawn shades and blinds. Pick a tabletop lamp for your desk and a few standing lamps in each corner for when it gets darker. Soft LED bulbs save energy while providing an inviting glow.

Add a Touch of Green

For the last of our four tips for making your home office more comfortable, get back to nature! A few well-chosen house plants can add visual beauty and even fresh air and pleasant scents to your office in no time. Choose easy-to-care-for plants like ferns, cacti, jade plants, money plants, rubber trees, and other hardy yet lovely types of flora to add a little life to the surroundings.