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Blog / 4 Ways To Make Your Home More Cozy for the Fall

4 Ways To Make Your Home More Cozy for the Fall

The first day of fall comes toward the end of September, but many embrace this popular season sooner. Fall is the season of coziness, after all, thanks to cooling temperatures and warm colors. Who wouldn’t want to embrace that coziness as soon as possible? Try the following four ways if you want to make your home cozier for the fall.

Add Fall Accessories

Accessories are key for those creating coziness on a budget. You can easily swap out throw pillow covers from summer to fall patterns or colors and improve your home’s coziness. Other accessories are also important, such as fall-themed throw blankets and pumpkin or leaf décor. You can even update accessories such as rugs and curtains to get your space ready for fall if feasible.

Light Autumnal Candles

Our visual senses aren’t the only ones taking in fall’s coziness. You can light autumnal candles that will inspire people to sink into the season’s warmth. Popular autumnal scents are pumpkin spice, fallen leaves, and bonfires. Other scent options, such as wax warmers and wall plug-ins, can create the same aroma, but the flickering flames match the fall theme better. Light them somewhere away from pets, small children, and drafts. Leave them lit for as long as you safely can for maximum coziness.

Update Wall Art

We don’t often think of wall art as cozy. After all, it’s on the wall. However, the colors and depictions we choose can make a space feel cozy or not. In the fall, update your wall art with cozy pieces that feature warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow. Choose pieces that depict cozy feelings, such as fire, houses, landscapes, and food. You can often find pieces like this in thrift stores or paint them yourself on a thrifted canvas if you’re on a budget.

Change Your Color Scheme

Some people don’t want subtle seasonal changes and fall coziness. They go big to go home to a cozy feeling. Consider changing your color scheme every fall if you’re one of these people. Buy new furniture that matches this color scheme, such as upholstered living room furniture in warm tones. Change smaller pieces around the space, such as curtains and rugs. With the right furniture and accessories, your home will feel new and cozy for fall.

Making your home more cozy for the fall is an annual tradition in many homes. These four ways offer big and small ideas for creating that tradition in your home. Grand Furniture can help if you’re one of the people going big and changing your furniture, or you decided that fall is a good time for an update. Our buy now pay later living room furniture can help you bring home the seasonal or permanent furniture you want at prices you can afford.